Saturday, June 21, 2008

Weekend update!

Hi all!

I hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous weekend.
It sure is so noice to see the sun shining!
I have been super busy over the last couple of weeks so not a lot of scrapping has been done. We had a weekend in Sydney last weekend as my D.D had a specialist appt so we turned it into a mini holiday & took in all the sights & did all the tourist We even went to the N.S.W Art Gallery. That is so not something I would have been interested in a couple of years ago. BUT hey I must be growing up...LOL...OR getting old more like it.
Enough of the rambling.
I will share my couple of pages that I have created. The first is a page that I created last night. I am so lucky! I purchased a Cricut machine from work at SCRAPSIDAISY & the lovely Leisa upgraded it to an Expression for me. So last week I got an early birthday pressie!! WoooHOOO.....I'm excited. Anyway with all the events of the last couple of weeks I really hadn't had the opportunity to have a decent play! Last night I pulled it out & set it up on its very own little table & away I went. I cut out all different arrows & alphas to create this-

I LOVE this pic of Brock....BUT the smile is not looking like that at the moment....Insert sad face!!! This arvo he accidently hit himself in the face with a tennis racket & broke off one of those gorgeous top teeth....another sad face......after many phone calls to Dr's & dentists it has now been decided that he doesn't NEED a dentist today & that it can wait until Monday morning & he will se a dentist to have it fixed.........:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(...lets just hope that it can be!!!!
This is a page that I did a couple of weeks ago. Using the yummy M.M Noteworthy range!
If you are still reading....THANKS...I hope you have a good one

13 Lovely Comments:

Marjorie said...

Oh my, sorry about your son's tooth! I hope it can be fixed and isn't painful for him. You're pages are awesome though!! You've done an amazing job with your cricut!! And your daughter's page is fabulous, I love the title ^_~

Anonymous said...


Tracey said...

Great pages again Jules glad your having fun with the cricut you lucky girl!!!
Hope everything works out with Brocks tooth tomorrow fingers crossed :)

Marcia @ Pretty Things said...

Have fun with you Cricut, still trying to think whether it would be worth it for me.

Sunshine - yep, this is the first weekend in four that it hasn't rained in Perth. It should be rolling in tonight though, for another couple of days. So we have been making the most of it too.

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Congratulations on your Expression! What fun! You're going to LOVE it! Oh, poor Brock! I hope it can be fixed! Love your layouts! The one of Brock is so lively and vibrant! Love those Cosmo Cricket papers!

Kristine said...

Hi Jules! :D REALLY COOL PAGES you've done. That's such a COOL COOL present you got! I don't have a cricut--just a cuttlebug so far. LOVE all those super neat arrows and alphas. Hope Brock gets his tooth fixed!! TFS ;)

Suzanne said...

Nice love what you did with your Cricut. Sorry to hear about your son's tooth. That is a big ouchie!

~Jules~ said...

The tooth is all fixed now THANKS Girls!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jules..Wow these are beautiful..TFS:)
and Hope how fantastic to spend time in Sydney!!!

Glad Brocks tooth is all fixed now....
Have a great week:)x

M@risk@ said...

Wow, came here by terrie's blog and you do create amazing stuff.

Dawn♥ said...

Well bless your ds heart and I'm glad he got his tooth fixed!

These two LO's are gorgeous!

Kelly L said...

Oh, Jules, your colors and scrapbook pages just jump right off the screen at me. I LOVE the colors and arrows in Brock's page, and your daughter is so soft and pretty. Very nice. So sorry to hear that he broke his tooth. I do hope you were able to get it fixed. Take care. God Bless. :) Kel

Chris (catt871) said...

Yeouchhh!!! Poor guy!!! I love your layouts, the colours, everything about them is stunning!! Great job!