Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthday, Pancakes & pages

It sure has been a busy time of late BUT last night I had the bestest time@ Scrapsidaisy !
We held a fundraiser for Uniting Care & held a Pancake night! YUMMO! It was so much fun! The girls were all scrapping up a storm & munching down delicious pancakes cooked by the lovely Leisa. Leisa happened to be celebrating her birthday & shared her precious time with us. I hope your day was a special one Leisa - you sure do deserve it.

I will leave you with a few pics-

Myself & Leisa donning the Pancake hey! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEISA!

A page I created for the Scrapsidaisy Forum - The challenge was to use your journalling as the title & this was my take.

This is a Huuuge canvas that I created for my beloved brother for his 50th earlier in the month. He just loved it & thanked me so many times it was fabulous!

Anyhow THANK YOU to those that still visit
Bye for now

4 Lovely Comments:

suzitee said...

Love your new blog look Julieann...very cute! Almost as cute as you and Leisa in those aprons :)
Glad you had a good night, and thank you for making Leisa's birthday special for are a good friend. How could your brother NOT love the canvas, it's awesome beyond words!

Chris Millar said...

The blog looks amazing Jules! Love that gorgeous photo of you and Leisa!!! Wow, that is a wonderful present for your brother, I'll have to remember that idea!

Deb said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Your layout is stunning and the canvas is such an amazing gift!
Have a great day, Debx

AmethystCat said...

that's a great present!